Take control of your WordPress Social Marketing with this easy to use plugin.
The Simple Social Inbox shows your messages from all your different social accounts in one easy to manage location. Let you and your staff manage posts/messages/replies from multiple Facebook Pages and Twitter accounts. This Premium WordPress plugins allows you to easily share content to your Social networks. There is also a link click tracking feature so you can see how many people clicked your Social shares.
Archive and search through messages. Unread messages are highlighted. Perfect plugin if you manage multiple Facebook and Twitter accounts for your customers or your own products. The type of messages shown in the Simple Social Inbox are as follows:
Facebook Page Posts by Page Admins
Facebook Page Posts by Other Users
Facebook Page Direct Messages
Facebook Page Picture Posts
Twitter Direct Messages
Twitter @mentions / replies
Twitter Retweets
Twitter Timeline Posts
Easy Blog Marketing:
Share a blog post to multiple Facebook and Twitter accounts with a push of a button
Track link clicks between your different social accounts to see which one brings the most visitors
Twitter Features:
Post new Tweets and Picture Tweets
Reply to Tweets, Direct Messages and @mentions
Track which WordPress user sent the Social message
Facebook Features:
Post new Page Messages (Link Posts, Picture Posts and Normal Wall Posts)
Reply to Facebook Page Comments
Reply to Facebook Direct Messages
Track which WordPress user sent the Social message
Link Tracking:
Track link clicks from your social messages
Compare which Social account or medium gets the most clicks from your posts
Here is the Inbox view, showing messages from multiple Social accounts in one place. The bold items are unread. You can search through messages and view archived messages.
Here is a video showing how the plugins manages replying to Twitter @mentions and Facebook Page comments:
Here is a video showing how easy it is to share your WordPress blog post on multiple Facebook Pages and Twitter Accounts with a single button push. Track link clicks as well. Great for your online Social Marketing campaigns:
Here is a video showing how you can reply to Twitter direct messages from within WordPress using the Simple Social Inbox plugin:
Here is a video showing how to link your Facebook and Twitter accounts to WordPress:
Note: the plugin checks for new messages every 10 minutes
A Twitter account
A Twitter app (create from here – instructions in UCM Settings area)
A Normal Facebook Account
A Facebook Business Page (create from here) with Admin access
Working UCM Lite install
Check the UCM upgrade system works on the hosting account (in Settings > Upgrade)
Please visit
simplesocialinbox.com for any Support questions.