Manage & Display Soccer Match right from your WordPress Site. Engage your visitors by providing them match updates using our cool floating bar. Further, Use Shortcodes to display – Competitions, Matches & Table Standings.
Completely Responsive !!
One Click Import !!
If you just want to host the most Popular Soccer information for you visitor, you can do so by simply importing the information with just a click.
Available Competition to import
Spanish Premier League
English Premier League
Built-in Upgrader
Soccer Engine Plugin comes with a built-in Plugin Upgrader feature. Yes, you dont have to manually download and install the updates. It’s easy as like upgrading a free WordPress plugin from repository.
Please contact through –
Simple Shortcodes
[wpse_competitions id=”comma separated competition ids” per_page=”number of matches to display in each load”] – Display Fixture, Result, Live Match, and Standing table for single or multiple competitions
[wpse_competition id=”competition id”] – Output same as [wpse_competitions], except it’s only used for a single competition
[wpse_matches competition=”comma separated competition ids” status=”fixture|result|cancelled|live” match=”comma separated match id”] – Display Matches by variaous attributes
[wpse_standing competition=”competition id” ] – Display Competition Standings Table. If multiple id is used, results will be combined.
Version Release
October 1 - 2014 - ver 1.0