Social Time Master - Social Autoposter

Social Time Master is a unique original social autoposter that lets you schedule hundreds of social posts with a few clicks of the mouse and manage everything visually, using a powerful, and easy to use Timeline Interface.
Here’s a list of some of the features
Flexible and easy to use Visual Timeline – the most easy way to preview and manage your social posts.
Post to unlimited social accounts. Currently supported are Twitter, Facebook Accounts, Facebook Pages, Facebook Groups, LinkedIn, Tumblr.
Import all your Facebook Groups and Pages by simply adding your user account.
Unlimited sharing variations for each blog post – you can have multiple sharing details for each blog post – title, description, image and even unique URL. This will let you share the same post many times, but you can also use it to split-test multiple titles and images and see which ones bring more traffic.
The plugin will add Twitter Cards and Facebook Meta Tags to your web pages to guarantee proper formatting when the posts are shared on the social sites. integration and click stats. From one location you can see how many clicks each social post received.
Import posts from RSS feed. You can mix the content you’re posting with external sources and blogs (yours or not).
Bulk import URLs. Just provide a list of URLs and the plugin will extract all the data and will schedule the social posts.
Template-based scheduling – you can schedule hundreds of shares for every blog post with just 3 clicks of the mouse.
Schedule all your existing blog posts in a minute. If you install the plugin on a blog where you already have posts published it is easy to schedule all them for social sharing. With this feature I was able to schedule 800 social posts for 20 blog posts in 20 seconds. But there’s actually no limit… you can beat my record easily.
Post log and history. You have a full list with all the social posts made, including click stats and links to the live posts on the social sites.
Version control and one click update when there are new versions of the plugin.
And many many more…