WordPress Backgrounds Pro

WordPress Backgrounds Pro – WordPress Plugin

WordPress Backgrounds Pro allows you to display selected audio / images / slideshows / patterns / self hosted videos & YouTube videos as the website or page background, without the need to edit the theme. These backgrounds are displayed as fullscreen backgrounds and compliment any WordPress theme. WordPress Backgrounds Pro allows you the ability to create 6 different types of backgrounds that can be applied to your site homepage or any blog post or page and even custom taxonomies. The 6 different backgrounds available include:
  • Audio
  • Solid Colour
  • Pattern
  • Images
  • YouTube Video’s
  • Self hosted Video’s
  • Description

              WordPress backgrounds Pro is your number one solution for having full page interactive backgrounds on your site. You can set a background set for your theme homepage, blog & standard pages as well as custom taxonomies. You control the options for each different background type. Don’t want the video controls to appear when displaying YouTube Video backgrounds? Simply disable them in the easy to use plugin Control Panel. Don’t want the audio controls to display in the bottom right corner of the browser window? Move them to a possible you desire. You also have the ability to change the button colours & text font colours! The plugin has been developed to he highest quality standards and tested in all major modern browsers.

    WordPress Backgrounds Pro Features:

  • Create audio file backgrounds. Set them to auto-play when the page loads.
  • Create images backgrounds with a single image or multiple slideshow.
  • Create a pattern background using any of the 150+ backgrounds built-in.
  • Create a solid colour page background applying any colour you desire.
  • Create self hosted video backgrounds with alternate video’s & images for mobile devices.
  • Create YouTube backgrounds setting single video’s or custom playlists.
  • Easy to use user friendly Control Panel.
  • Detailed step by step illustrated documentation.
  • Built-in Update Notification System.
  • Quick-Start Guide

    1. Unzip plugin file.
    2. Upload the the plugin folder “wp-backgrounds-pro” (not just the files in it!) to your `wp-content/plugins` folder. If you’re using FTP, use ‘binary’ mode.
    3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    4. Navigate to the WP BG Pro settings page and configure the plugin to your requirements. (Configuration settings detailed in supplied documentation)
    5. Start creating your interactive backgrounds.
    6. Assign them to pages, posts or custom taxonomies.
    7. You’re done. Enjoy.


    In order to work, WordPress backgrounds Pro WordPress plugin needs the following requirements:
  • WordPress release v3.5+
  • PHP version 5+
  • Changelog

    Click here to view the changelog