WP Ad-Monetizer

WP Ad-Monetizer is a Wordpress Plugin that gives option for Ad-banners or any Ad-sense codes in different Ad-group / Ad-block.
Each Ad-block is defined to use on Wordpress template using Widgets or custom coding in theme.
An Ad-block have several option for showing Ads using ready shortcode to place on any widget/theme page.
Ad-block’s options are
1. You can show an Ad-block to All countries or only in selected countries.
2. You can show an Ad-block to All posts or only in selected posts.
3. You can show an Ad-block to All pages or only in selected pages.
4. You can show an Ad-block to All category pages or only in selected category pages.
5. You can show an Ad-block to All other pages or only in selected other pages.
6. You can show an Ad-block in single slide or multiple slides. A multiple slides Ad-block will show Ads in a carousal slider and slider settings also provided, like
No. of Ad per block to show on each Ad-block, default is 5
AutoPlay Slider, default is Yes
Slide Auto-play after seconds, default is 5 second
Stop Slider on Mouse Hover, default is Yes
Show Slider Pagination, default is Yes
Slide Transition Style, default is Slide
Every Ad that will contain either Image Ad or some Ad-sense code will be assign to an Ad-block.
When any Ad is shown on the front-end, its impressions/views are counts by WP Ad-Monetizer.
When any visitor clicks on any image Ad, its clicks are also counts by WP Ad-Monetizer.