WP Background Takeover plugin for WordPress makes it easy to enable wallpaper advertisements on your site.
Run wallpaper advertisements / homepage skins on your site just like the big fashion, gaming, tech, and gossip websites.
Why You Need WP Background Takeover Plugin
Advertising – Display homepage takeovers or wallpaper advertisements on your website. Schedule them for as long as your advertisers request with automatic expiration. Make money!
Promote Products – Use the high click-through rate (CTR) and visibility of homepage takeovers / background ads to drive traffic to specific products you want to promote.
Get More Followers – Drive more traffic to your social media profiles to increase followers and likes. Guaranteed to boost your social engagement!
Landing Pages – Test your landing pages by getting more traffic directly to internal pages. Get more leads by driving traffic to your contact page, or get more subscribers by leading visitors to subscribe to your newsletter.
WP Background Takeover Plugin
The WP Background Takeover plugin allows you to manage multiple background images that can be used for many various purposes (you can get very creative with this plugin!). We have included all of the necessary features to make sure that your website can become a marketing and ad revenue-generating machine. From scheduling, to style options, to assigning ads to custom post-types, you can manage multiple background takeover spots at once.
Schedule Ads / Automatic Expiration
You can schedule your ads as well as rate their priority from Low to High (in case multiple ad spots are competing for the background takeover at the same time). To schedule ads, simply provide the start and end dates.
Display Ads on Any Post, Category, Page, or Site-wide
Want custom advertisements based on a specific post or category? What about custom ads only for a specific tag or post type? Don’t fret because this plugin lets you select
exactly where to display which background takeover advertisement. It also takes into account competing ads through a priority setting.
Link to One or Two URLs
This is the only background takeover plugin that allows you to link the left and right rails to distinct URLs. That’s right – click the left side and visitor is sent to URL-1, and click the right side and visitor is sent to URL-2. We’ve thought of everything to make your wallpaper ads super powerful!
Control Background Styles
You can set the background color displayed behind your advertisement, decide whether to have the image scroll with the page or remain fixed, and select background repeat options.
BONUS: PSD Template to Create Your Own Background Takeover Ad
You’ll be itching to create your own takeover ads once you see the power of this advertising plugin, so we created a simple
PSD Template to make it easier. It’s
FREE and included in the plugin zip file.
Created by Experienced Webmasters
We work frequently with large, high-traffic fashion, tech, and gaming blogs and some are running this very plugin. It simply works!
We plan on adding more features to make Background Takeover advertising easy so don’t hesitate to purchase this premium plugin. If you have any issues, simply ask us on our support forum and we’ll handle it. Buy from trusted developers who stand behind their products.
If you want to see what else we’re up to, check out – And don’t forget to rate this item the 5-stars that it deserves.