WP Stego Login: Prevent Keylogging and Phishing

WP Stego login is a plugin to prevent key-logging and fishing on login page. The plugin uses Steganography known as digital forensics and compress, encrypt and hide password on an image.
This plugin is a must for any kind of WordPress powered websites.
There are plenty of plugins available to protect your login but none of them prevent key-logging. Most of the people who use public computers such as hotel, hospital, library, office etc are scared of login to a website because of security issues including key-logging.
There are browser level key-loggers hiding away from Anti-Viruses. So let your customers/subscribers login to your website without fear with this handy plugin. Your customers are most important.
The plugin is very handy and there is no option page to configure.
1. After installation and activation the plugin creates an optional login page.
2. On every new registration the plugin sends email notification to the users with a steganographed password image attached with the stego login page link.
3. Users can easily login with the steganographed image and prevent key-logging and phishing.
4. If the user changes his/her password the plugin sends new steganographed password image by email
5. Carry the steganographed password image on a pen drive if anyone travel or use public computer such as hotel, library, hospital, office etc.
6. You can use shortcode wherever you want the login form to be displayed.