Fluent Docs

Easy documentation generation for WordPress plugins & themes
Fluent Docs
Fluent Docs is a documentation generation plugin for WordPress. No longer do you need to generate and compile documentation in web and print form for your themes & plugins. Create your documentation using the WordPress custom post type editor, then let the plugin serve web accessible, print and PDF generated documentation for you.
Need to provide documentation in the theme/plugin folder? simply download the PDF version from your site and use that.
Changed part of your documentation? simply update once online and redownload the PDF to include in your product.
Fluent Docs makes documentation easy, and provides 3 outlets that the documentation can be viewed. Provide the documentation online, have the option to view a printable version, and have PDFs will fully linked table of contents generated on the fly.
Simply use the documentation heirachy through WordPress post attributes to order and compile the table of contents and content.
Amazing Feature Set
Responsive Default Styling
The web version provides a default responsive look and feel that will look great in any template.
Print View
Some users enjoy printing documentation (even though we should be saving the trees). Fluent Docs has that covered
PDF Generation
No need to rewrite the same documentation for inclusion with files, and online. PDF’s can be generated for you.
Bootstrap Intergration
Print and PDF docs are generated with Twitter Bootstrap styling. A nice clean way to supply documentation.
Fluent Docs only generates new PDF’s when things change in your docs. If nothings changed it serves a previously generated file.
Likes & Dislikes
Need feedback on your content? Fluent Docs has that covered.
Fluent Docs uses the MPDF library so inherits the requirements for that system, which are:
PHP must include the mb_string module installed (usually default on most platforms)
PHP must have the zlib module for compression.