KWoo Integration

It’s hard to get customers but it’s harder to keep them, so you must keep them informed about your business. For this Kwoo Integration has been created, a plugin that integrates your WooCommerce Customers and your news systems Knews.

Features included

  • Subscribe automatically all your WooCommerce customers to newsletters at checkout. To test it follow the instructions:
    1. Add your favorite product to cart.
    2. Fill in the Checkout form with an email.
    3. Mark the option “Subscribe to our newsletters” which is right next to the button “Place order”.
    4. Place order.
  • Apply your coupons to a Mailing List. To test it follow the instructions:
    1. As Admin, find that email in DashboardK-newsSubscribers.
    2. Go to “Coupons”.
    3. Add new one coupon.
    4. Find a “Usage Restriction” tab.
    5. Select a “Email Restrictions” field.
    6. Write, for example, “[email protected]” in this field. The number before ”@knews.local” is the ID of an Open Mailing List.
  • Upcoming Features

  • Import WooCommerce customers into subscription list.
  • Installation

    1. Add the plug-in using wordpress admin, find or upload it, via website or FTP.
    2. Activate it.
    3. No additional setting needed.


    1. English.
    2. Spanish – es_ES.
    3. You can translate it to other languages using WPML. Only has a few translations.


  • WPML.
  • Requirements

  • WorPress ( from 3.8 ).
  • WooCommerce – excelling eCommerce ( from 2.1 ).
  • Knews Multilingual Newsletters ( from 1.6 ).
  • Changelog

    1.1.0 – April 15, 2014

  • Added a Setting Page.
  • Added “Coupons to Mailing List” feature.
  • 1.0.0 – January 23, 2014

  • First Release