WooCommerce CSV Import - Ecommerce Plugin

WooCommerce CSV Import – ECommerce Plugin
Create/edit your shop items in Excel and transfer shop items between websites quickly and easily.
This ecommerce plugin is easy-to-use because it has:
Option Detection Your options are detected automatically so don’t have to select options when you import.
Simple Site Transfer The posts and users are identified by post_names and usernames rather than post_ids and user_ids which makes transferring items between sites simple.
Error Detection The plugin detects typos and other errors and creates an output file which explains what your typos are. You can edit the error file and upload it to finish the import.
WooCommerce CSV Import Plugin imports and exports products, variations, customers, orders and coupons so that you can download shop items and edit them in Excel before uploading them again to the same site or a different site. You can also create new items in Excel and upload them.
The plugin imports tags, product categories and custom taxonomies. It also imports custom meta so that you can import e.g. SEO plugin data.
This plugin minimizes the options you need to choose to make it easy to use. The plugin automatically detects your file type, column names, column delimiters and text enclosures.
If you are uploading a post/user that already exists, the plugin updates the post/user. Otherwise the plugin creates the post/user. Posts and users can also be identified by sku, user_email, external order number or coupon code.
WooCommerce CSV Import automatically detects any errors in your input file. The errors are explained in a csv file where you can correct the errors and upload the corrected file.
The plugin has two options:
Delete Data Not In File You can delete all the items on your site that are not in the current upload file.
Match By Product Title You can choose to match existing products by their post_titles if no two products on your site have the same title.
Option Detection The plugin auto-detects:
What type of file you are uploading
The import file’s text enclosure
The import file’s column delimiter
The columns in the import file
Error Correction
WooCommerce CSV Import detects typos in your input file and creates an editable output file that errors so that you can make corrections
Easy Transfer Between Sites
Post_name/username used instead of post_id/user_id so related products etc can be recognized on different sites
Recognises products by sku, etc
Import and Export
Products (all types of product in same file)
Simple Products
Variable Products
Product Variations
Grouped Products
External Products
Product categories, product tags, etc
Custom meta
Custom taxonomies
Product attributes
Options The plugin has these simple options:
Option to delete data not in the file
Option to match products by their titles
Sample Files